Start your research here for your next peer-to-peer fundraising software!
Your peer-to-peer fundraising platform is the foundation for supporting your campaign/event participants. There are dozens of platforms available, and the market is evolving rapidly.
Since the Cathexis Partners team released our last version of the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Technology Landscape guide (2018), there have been many changes in the software landscape, and the list of options keeps evolving. That’s why we moved our guide online to this site – so we can update it more frequently.
We’ve broken the platforms into three simple categories:
 NO/LOW MONTHLY FEESCost-effective platforms that often don’t require monthly fees or long contracts.
 MID-MARKETPlatforms in this category might cost a bit more, but offer additional features and integration options.
 ENTERPRISEIf your campaign raises $250k or more, then you might find that these platforms have the added bells, whistles, and integration needed.
Simply click on the category to read insights and use a drag-and-drop tool to view and compare features of each platform listed.
A note about this site Please note that this site doesn’t attempt to include every platform available or every detail about every feature in each platform. It simply provides an introduction to several platforms and features to help you begin research for your next platform. We strongly recommend that organizations review their specific requirements to support their campaign(s), mission, and audience; request vendor software demos; and closely review any contracts with software platform vendors before making a software purchase. |
Check out these other helpful resources
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